Win a free place on our next Learn to Rock Climb Course in the Gap of Dunloe, Kerry!
We've two free places to give away for Sat 17th & Sun 18th July.
The emphasis of this fun and exciting two-day rock climbing course is to get onto sandstone cliffs and climb as much as possible. You will learn to use climbing equipment, tie knots, climbing techniques, abseiling and belaying. At the end of this course you will be climbing competently and know the basics of climbing. Equipment and qualified instructors are provided.
To enter our competition keep reading...
When a climber leads a new climb, that has never been climbed before, they get to name it whatever they want. The name the climber gives it becomes the official name of the climb from then on.
If you got to name a rock climb in the Gap of Dunloe, what would you call it?
Leave a comment below, along with your email address, and we'll choose the best two names on Tues 15th June. You can enter up to three times, so get your imagination working!
Any questions on our competition, just leave a comment below and we'll get back to you.
Hi and good luck with the competition everyone.
ReplyDeleteI have a Name which has come to me which I would use for a Rock Climb in the Gap:
'Sandman's Vertigo'
Email addy:
Thanks for the Comp invite Nathan.
"Sheer luck" for a steep climb. :)
ReplyDelete-brian, except without the capital letters A.
Lorraine's entries!!!!
Would be a name for a tough climbing grade in reference to the wildflower species 'St' patrick's cabbage' found on rocky ground and present in the Gap of Dunloe.
'Feisty Hag' in connection with Hags Glen
'Dakota Dream' vis a vis the 1943 crash on Knocknapeasta
Jacko's reach, afrter the legendary Jack O' Shea
ReplyDeleteI would call my climb "The Devil's Noose". strike a bit of fear into the following climbers.
ReplyDeleteSecond choice would be "Cúchulainn's Spine".
Don't have a third one just yet.
Brian Donovan
What about "double impact" for a route which presents initially a paricular climbing feature and later a different one?
ReplyDeleteOr "mind the stripes" in honour of the Gap's rock?? :)
Fair play,
ReplyDelete1.Nearly there
2.Three Rocks
3.MAGS POTTS (Make a good start, power on through to the summit
How about 'Falling Echo'?
I'd robably call it:
ReplyDelete'Scratch my back'
'Cloud Ripper' or maybe
'SBGB' (abbreviation from Steep, Boggy, Gorted Bastard)
In my first post above I chose the name 'Sandman's Vertigo' due to the sandstone cliffs throughout the Gap of Dunloe.
ReplyDeleteAnother name that has come to (my crazy:-) mind is:
'The Five jacuzzi's of Loe'
This in relation to the five small lakes that are connected to the river Loe that passes through the Gap of Dunloe.
From top to bottom Black Lough,Auger Lake,Cushnavally Lake,Loch an Chuasain and Coosaun Lough.
ReplyDeleteMy choices would be
1.Lavendar view (due to the Purple mts)
2.Cottager's Rest
3.The Black Out (due to electricity finally being switched on in the Gap in the 1950's
I love some of these names! Keep them on coming; we'll choose two winners in about a week's time...
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone had a good bank holiday weekend as I did.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately as I write this I find myself at the wrong end of it. :)
Even with the wet weather we have all good things seem to come to an end :(
My final entry for the comp is:
'The Reeks Chasmic Reeve'
Reeks= Macgillycuddy Reeks
Chasmic= A deep, steep-sided opening or gap in the earth's surface.Such as the glaciated valley that is the Gap of Dunloe.
Reeve= To pass a rope through.
Ok my third one to add to "The Devil's Noose". and "Cúchulainn's Spine" is;
ReplyDelete"Macgillycuddy's Nostril", silly i know!
Brian Donovan
Lost Paddy
A beginner's paradise :)
ReplyDeleteHow about "Done Dunloe" for a new climb
Do I still have time
ReplyDeleteMuch a do about nothing
Pag Dun
ReplyDeleteMolly's folly, Aine
I've just asked Roisin, editor of Outsider Magazine - - to choose her favourite two climb names, so I'll finish this competition off tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteI have never climbed rock before but have been doing the opposite in Lough Mask.
ReplyDeleteLake diving using snorkel, fins and wet suit.
When you see a boulder the size of a house that stretches 40 or so foot down and you can dive down 12 foot on it and hold on to glance the depths, it sure as shed feels like rock climbing except weightless!! he he.. :)No photos cause I got no camera. working on it..
"Beggars Bluff" cause beggars cant be choosers when faced with up or down!!! You just do it!!
Congratulations to Brian (Sheer Luck) and Lorraine (Dakota Dream) who have just won a free place on our Learn to Rock Climb Course in July! Thanks to Roisin Finlay, editor of Outsider Magazine, who chose the winners and thanks to everyone else who entered.
ReplyDeleteClick here to see our rock climbing courses:
Outsider Magazine:
Hey Nathan; Outdoors Ireland & Roisin from Outsider Magazine - that's just made my day - Thanks you so much! Lorraine :)