Route Planning is something we cover in our Mountain Skills Courses and coming into this time of year, with worsening weather and shorter daylight hours, it becomes pretty important. A lot of incidents in the mountains happen due to several small, minor mistakes accumulating to become a major problem; such as forgetting your torch, combined with being caught in darkness, combined with not having a hot drink and not having enough spare food.
1. Plan Your Route
2. Calculate Distance & Duration
(5km per hour, plus 1 extra min per uphill contour)
(5km per hour, plus 1 extra min per uphill contour)
3. Add Extra Time For Stops/Delays
4. Check Weather Forecast (www.met.ie/www.windguru.com)
5. Take The Following Considerations:
Your Ability
Your Fitness
Stream/River Crossings (avoid where possible)
Height Gain
6. Plan A Nearby Bad Weather Option
7. Plan An Escape Route
An escape route is important, so if you need to make a quick or emergency descent off the mountain, you already have a route in mind.
8. Leave A Route Card Behind (with your estimated time of return)
9. Don't Be Afraid To Change Your Route Over The Day
(there's often a point before an incident, when if you re-assessed your route, you may be able to avoid having difficulties)
(there's often a point before an incident, when if you re-assessed your route, you may be able to avoid having difficulties)