5 March 2010

Outdoors Ireland Goes Green

Win An Adventure Break!

Today we have just become a member of the Green Tourism Business Scheme, following a training course and on-site consultation, which have happened over the past weeks.

We're part of a brand-new pilot project and are now preparing for our green inspection, at the beginning of June. We're hoping to be the first adventure company in Ireland to achieve the gold award! That means a lot of hard work and innovative thinking between now and June...

Becoming a green, environmentally friendly, outdoor adventure company is becoming increasingly important; to preserve the pristine landscape we work in, to satisfy any environmental concerns of our customers and to play our part in demonstrating how it's possible to lessen our impact on the mountains and lakes of Ireland.

I'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions as to how we can lessen our impact, improve our environmental ethos and do more to help preserve the stunning and potentially delicate areas we take people hiking, rock climbing and kayaking into.

What would you suggest we do or change to become greener and more environmentally friendly?

Leave your suggestion or comment below this blog entry, along with your email address.

The person with the best suggestion will win an adventure break for two people on 8th & 9th May, involving a day's hiking in the Kerry mountains and a morning's kayak trip across the Lakes of Killarney.

Thanks in advance, Nathan

Mary Stack, Failte Ireland Enviromental Officer, says;
'Outdoors Ireland is one of the 60 tourism businesses taking part in a flagship pilot project run by Fáilte Ireland and South Kerry Development Partnership to ‘green’ tourism businesses in South Kerry. The project, which was launched in December 2009 seeks to bring 60 tourism businesses through environmental training and mentoring, and to achieve accreditation to the Green Tourism Business Scheme eco-label in May 2010. Businesses can achieve either bronze, silver or gold level accreditation under the scheme, depending on the level of environmental best practice which has been implemented in each business. Outdoors Ireland is one of the businesses taking part in the scheme and committed to environmental best practice, both within the business itself and in their direct engagement with the environment. Fáilte Ireland wishes Nathan and his team every success in the Green Tourism Business Scheme!'


  1. Hi Nathan,
    As an occasional night hiker and cyclist I always use rechargeable batteries in my light sources and camera. Either Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH), Nickel Zinc(NiZN) or Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries will last far longer in high drain devices - each time they are charged - and can be used many hundreds of times...saving money and the environment. These batteries are far more economical in the long run - way more than the popular Alkaline Cells which are very common now - but disposing of these single use batteries is very un-green!
    Encouraging your participants to only use rechargeable cells would be good news - you could even provide a range of chargers on site for their use!
    Good luck !
    Russ Merne

  2. Well I think you are doing a fantastic job as it is with your 'no trace' policy! While hiking in Canada, people would kayak from lake to lake and carry their kayak over their head or shoulder. There is a name for this but I forget it.... so you could sell that idea to the Tarzans & GI Janes and their carbon footprint will be teeney tiny! Anything really to reduce people's carbon footprint even if they go by train rather than plane etc.

    Another thing instead of hotels and hostels is to camp! Due to the weather camping maybe a problem... then a wee log cabin with those eco friendly toilets....!!!(aka shovel!!) Oooh what about a wig wam!!!That would be a fun idea!

    I suppose for folks to purchase their food in famers markets or better still in your up and coming organic garden!!!

    Warm wishes... Donna

  3. Hi Nathan

    MCI have a great campaign which no doubt you are aware of called Leave No Trace. Perhaps as a best practice you should email a PDF of their leaflet to all of your clients on booking an activity with you.

    As a part of your activities you could also involve customers in logging environmental damage. This could be done in conjunction with orienteering courses.


  4. Great work - I had a look at the Green Tourism Website and see that this is a UK company funded by the British Tourist Board, presumably designed to promote UK tourism - is there no Irish standard that Irish businesses could use - do we have to go overseas agin - especially in South Kerry - it seems very odd
